Dragon Ball GT (DBGT) Anime Episode Series
DBGT Saga List
Black Star Dragon Ball Saga
Episode 03: Terror On Imecka
Its been a week since the ship went off into space. Pan wont give the control key to Trunks becuase she thinks he will head back to Earth. The ship starts to act up and it looks like its going to explode. Trunks gets ready to land on the nearest planet. They land on a trade planet called Amiga, its like a big flea market. They buy some things and eat and get ripped off. They go to the hotel and get a free room, a really big room. Everything costs money in this room which is why its free. The bed,shower,fridge,phone so they leave and stand out in the rain. They are taken in by a family that explanins that the king of this work charges money for everything. The family's home is taken and they are left in the rain. As they are returning to the ship, they see it being towed away. A little robot also comes out and takes their Dragon Radar, but they manage to catch the robot.
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